Um dia de compras

dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.creatorFerrari, Natália
dc.creatorSantana, Jane
dc.creatorBatista, Hosana
dc.creatorSantos, Danielle
dc.creatorMello, Anderson
dc.creatorMizobuchi, Alvaro Junior
dc.creatorShirahama, Ivan
dc.creatorYamabe, Tereza Higashi
dc.creatorSchlünzen, Elisa Tomoe
dc.creatorSchlünzen, Klaus Junior
dc.descriptionEnsino Fundamental::Séries Iniciais::Matemática
dc.descriptionEnsino Fundamental Final::Matemática
dc.descriptionThe animation proposes a shopping activity at a Monday fruit and vegetable fair, and at the vegetable market. The student is given a shopping list he must buy at the Monday fruit and vegetable fair, and at the vegetable market. However, there are some stalls with the same items with different prices. It is possible for the student to buy a candy of his choice at the end of shopping but he must compare prices and do the shopping as requested on the shopping list he receives
dc.descriptionNotions about the conjunct of natural numbers, their priorities and operations. Operations of sum and subtraction with decimal numbers
dc.publisherNúcleo de Educação Corporativa da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia UNESP
dc.rightsThe content produced by RIVED are public and are being gradually licensed by Creative Commons. These contents can be accessed through the search engine - online repository, which allows you to view, copy and comment on the posted materials. With the Creative Commons license, we are guaranteeing the copyright of published content and allows others to copy and distribute the material as long as they give credit to the authors
dc.subjectEducação Básica::Ensino Fundamental Final::Matemática::Números e operações
dc.subjectEducação Básica::Ensino Fundamental Inicial::Matemática::Números e operações
dc.subjectMental math
dc.titleA shopping day
dc.titleUm dia de compras

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