dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.creatorWGBH Educational Foundation
dc.descriptionThis interactive activity adapted from NOVA provides students a way to gain a more accurate understanding of how science is done. Two videos, which feature the work of renowned scientists Percy Julian and Judah Folkman, demonstrate that while scientists may use an orderly approach to learn new information and solve problems, they proceed along different paths in their quests. Instead of referring to a delineated set of steps, the term "scientific process" encompasses the true nature of scientific inquiry. Procedures are often refined as data are collected, and initial hypotheses can be modified or replaced in light of new evidence
dc.descriptionComponente Curricular::Educação Superior::Multidisciplinar::Ensino
dc.publisherTeachers' Domain
dc.rightsTeachers' Domain Deed and License: Download and Share (May 1, 2007). You have chosen to download this media resource. You need to understand and agree to the following restrictions: Teachers' Domain Deed - This is a user-friendly summary of the Legal Code (the full license). You are free to download and share this media resource under the following conditions: Attribution - You must attribute this media resource in the manner specified in the attribution file provided in the folder you download. This may include credit, copyright, and funding information for this media resource. Noncommercial - You may not use this media resource for commercial purposes. Educational Use - You may only use this media resource for learning or teaching in formal or informal educational settings. No Derivative Works - You may not alter, transform, or build upon this media resource, but you may use this media resource in its entirety as part of any educational presentation you create. Expiration - You may use and share this media resource as long as you wish unless an expiration date is noted in the attribution file. If an expiration date is noted, you must destroy and cease sharing this media resource and your remixes based upon it as of that date. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder
dc.subjectScientific Procedures
dc.subjectEducação Superior::Multidisciplinar::Ensino::Ensino de Ciências e Matemática
dc.titleScientific Processes

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