dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.creatorLa Fountain Jr., James
dc.creatorOldenbourg, Rudolf
dc.descriptionPresents the events of meiosis I in a living spermatocyte obtained from the testis of a crane-fly larva are recorded in this time-lapse sequence beginning at diakinesis through telophase to the near completion of cytokinesis following meiosis I. Noteworthy features of meiosis in crane-fly spermatocytes: a) The duration between nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) and the onset of anaphase lasts on average about 75 to 80 minutes. b) Upon NEB, birefringent microtubules invade the space previously occupied by the nucleus, and some of these attach to the kinetochores of bivalent chromosomes. c) Also at NEB, the two sex chromosomes, paired prior to that time, precociously disjoin and exist as univalents throughout meiosis I. d) Kinetochore fibers appear distinct due to their birefringence, which is readily detected with polarized light microscopy. e) At metaphase, the spindle has a characteristic bi-cone shape, and its kinetochore fibers have striking bright birefringent contrast. f) Anaphase A (kinetochore fibers shorten) is the predominant component of anaphase in these cells; anaphase B (spindle elongation) makes a minor contribution to chromosome segregation. g) Sex chromosome anaphase is delayed as a consequence of their amphitelic orientation
dc.descriptionComponente Curricular::Educação Superior::Ciências Biológicas::Biologia Geral
dc.publisherThe American Society for Cell Biology, ASBC Image & Video Library
dc.relationMeiosis in a Living Crane Fly Spermatocyte.mov
dc.rightsYou may use the Images only for research and educational purposes in an educational institution. Images may be stored on a network server, hard drive or removable media, but only while this Agreement remains in effect. All of the Images you use must be accompanied by a notice stating, "© [Date and Author's or Owner's Name]. All rights reserved. Reprinted under license from The American Society for Cell Biology." The notice shall appear with the Images or on a credits page. "Educational purposes" means (i) non-commercial instruction or curriculum based teaching by educators to students at nonprofit educational institutions, (ii) planned non-commercial study, investigation or research directed toward making a contribution to a field of knowledge, or (iii) presentation of research findings at non-commercial peer conferences, workshops or seminars, but in any event there must be express written permission from ASCB before an Image can be published. "Educational institutions" include K-12 schools, colleges and universities. Libraries, museums, hospitals, research institutes and other nonprofit organizations are considered educational institutions when they engage in nonprofit instructional, research or scholarly activities for educational purposes
dc.subjectEducação Superior::Ciências Biológicas::Biologia Geral
dc.titleMeiosis in a living crane fly spermatocyte [Meiosis I]

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