dc.contributorMuñoz Molina, Yaromir de Jesús
dc.contributorAgudelo Velásquez, David
dc.creatorValencia Amaya, Manuela
dc.identifier658.82 V152
dc.description.abstractIn view of the fact that in recent years promotions have been a relevant tool for the retail channel, as manufacturers and retailers have adopted this practice to encourage the consumption of their products and services, the present paper aimed to contribute to studies on promotions; moreover, to serve as a starting point for those who want to know the empirical generalizations of promotional effectiveness and the most relevant type of promotions found by different authors in recent years. In the conceptual framework, it was evidenced that the generalizations gathered in previous research were the basis for the design and development of promotions in mass consumption categories (chocolates and energy drinks) for the convenience store format in Chile. As a fundamental part of this research, different promotional strategies were evaluated through quantitative surveys with frequent consumers of convenience stores, to know the level of attractiveness and purchase intention. In the information analysis, consumer preference for direct discount offers that communicate a percentage discount and unit promotions that communicate a free product was evidenced. The promotional mechanics evaluated, when exposed in convenience stores, had a positive effect on the core business variables, sales, units and contribution margin. Likewise, it was determined that promotional efforts should be focused on unit discounts, where the consumer is driven to increase purchase volumes, generating greater value and thus boosting sales in these formats.
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherMaestría en Mercadeo
dc.publisherEscuela de Administración. Departamento de Mercadeo
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.rightsTodos los derechos reservados
dc.subjectEfectividad promocional
dc.subjectDiseño promocional
dc.subjectGeneralizaciones empíricas
dc.subjectTiendas de conveniencia
dc.titleEfectividad de las promociones en las tiendas de conveniencia

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