dc.contributorRestrepo Díaz, David Alejandro
dc.creatorSoto Cárdenas, Leidy Carolina
dc.description.abstractCurrently, Colombia is experiencing a 175,8 % increase in the influx of non-resident visitors, with Medellín standing out as the second city receiving the most tourists after Bogotá. This phenomenon highlights the tourist potential of Antioquia, making it a key destination for regional economic development. In this context, the creation of a regional brand becomes indispensable for driving economic growth through the tourism identity of the Antioquia department. This research, part of the Master's program in Marketing at EAFIT University, aims to establish the attributes for effectively positioning the Antioquia regional brand. To achieve this, a study was conducted on nine municipalities recognized as prominent tourist destinations in the Antioquia region. The methodology employed is qualitative, utilizing exploratory research techniques to delve into the perceptions and experiences of both residents and visitors. It is expected that the results obtained will provide a deeper understanding of the distinctive elements that characterize Antioquia as a tourist destination, as well as the areas of opportunity that can be leveraged to strengthen its positioning in the national and international markets. Additionally, these findings will serve as a starting point for future research and strategies related to the construction of the Antioquia regional brand, thus contributing to the sustainable development and economic growth of the region as a whole.
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherMaestría en Mercadeo
dc.publisherEscuela de Administración. Área Marketing e Innovación
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.rightsTodos los derechos reservados
dc.subjectIdentidad de marca región
dc.subjectIdentidad regional
dc.subjectMarketing de destino
dc.subjectProductos turísticos
dc.subjectPatrimonio cultural
dc.titleAtributos para el posicionamiento de la marca región Antioquia

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