dc.creatorPacheco Gamboa Aparicio Yuriella
dc.creatorRosas Torres Oscar Alfredo Odon
dc.description.abstractDescription:The Branding course develops the tools required in each stage of the strategic creation of a brand from its analysis development and communication within a highly competitive market. Therefore branding implies the strategic management of a brand considering its different life stages the market consumers environment and trends around it. Thus this course will help to design strategies for product and/or service brands that respond to the organizational necessities. Even nowadays a lot of people think that creating a brand implies only developing an identity for an organization made up by a name logotype and style. However a brand means much more and comprises several aspects from concrete to emotional that allow creating relationship or link between the consumer and the product or service.Purpose:The course will provide students the tools required to identify the brand's current situation the different elements needed to manage and develop a brand over time and its different communication channels in order to efficiently propose an innovative strategy generating value to the consumer. The course directly contributes to developing the core Oral Communication competency at an intermediate level (level 2) and the Communication Command competency at an advanced level (level 3) and Communication Strategy at an intermediate level (level 2). As pre-requisite for this course students must have passed the Product Marketing course (CM30).
dc.publisherUniversidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
dc.sourceUniversidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
dc.sourceRepositorio Académico - UPC

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