dc.creatorAuccahuasi, Wilver
dc.creatorUrbano, Kitty
dc.creatorRojas, Yoni Nicolas
dc.creatorRojas, Karin
dc.creatorLinares, Oscar
dc.creatorCabrejos Burga, Raul
dc.creatorCohello, Rogelio
dc.creatorAiquipa, Gabriel
dc.identifierAuccahuasi, W., Urbano, K., Rojas, Y. N., Rojas, K., Linares, O., Cabrejos, R., Cohello, R., & Aiquipa, G. (2023). Method for Monitoring the Consumption, Performance and Status of Batteries in Electronic Devices. 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems, ICSCDS 2023 - Proceedings. 10.1109/ICSCDS56580.2023.10104895
dc.identifier2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems, ICSCDS 2023 - Proceedings
dc.description.abstractWith the growth and development of autonomous electronic devices, the use and applications of batteries, which are used as a mechanism to ensure the use of these devices, is growing. At present, devices that use batteries often present some kind of damage, mainly due to misuse or ignorance in the handling of batteries, so it is important to know how batteries work and how to evaluate their condition from the measurement of characteristic values such as hours of use, maximum consumption values, total hours of operation, among others, knowing how batteries work will help to predict the time to change the batteries so that the device can operate continuously and avoid major damage caused by overloading or overheating. As a result, this study considers the characteristics to be considered to evaluate their use and performance. The proposed method can be applied to different types of devices that use batteries as the main power supply.
dc.publisherIEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
dc.sourceUniversidad Privada del Norte
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional - UPN
dc.subjectElectric batteries
dc.subjectElectron devices
dc.subjectThermoelectric equipment
dc.titleMethod for Monitoring the Consumption, Performance and Status of Batteries in Electronic Devices

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