dc.creatorValencia Ochoa, Guillermo Eliecer
dc.creatorObregón, Luis Guillermo
dc.creatorCardenas Escorcia, Yulineth del Carmen
dc.identifierCorporación Universidad de la Costa
dc.identifierREDICUC - Repositorio CUC
dc.descriptionWith the aim to study the behavior of biogas versus different types of fossil fuels and determine the optimal fuel resource for an Energy Generation System, an electric generation system and different types of fuels were proposed to supply an energy demand of 2424 kWh/day, which is the scaled annual average of a chemical laboratory facility. This study shows the behavior of different fuels and how they affect the operating cost of the system using HOMER Pro software. The proposed system consists of different electric generators (340kW) for each type of fuel. The results of the simulation showed that the biogas works very efficiently regarding the production of polluting gases compared to the fossil fuels used in the simulation. However, the installation costs for the devices necessary to obtain biogas from a biomass resource are expensive.
dc.publisherChemical Engineering Transactions
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dc.rightsAtribución – No comercial – Compartir igual
dc.titleComparison analysis of an energy generation system using diesel, natural gas and biogas as a primal fuel resource
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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