dc.creatorHernández García de Velazco, Judith Josefina
dc.creatorRavina Ripoll, Rafael
dc.creatorChumaceiro Hernández, Ana Cecilia
dc.identifierCorporación Universidad de la Costa
dc.identifierREDICUC - Repositorio CUC
dc.descriptionThe university social relevance is the effective management of the academic functions in a committed way, from which it analyzes, studies, and investigates the problems, needs, requirements of the social environment to identify, characterize, rank them. And a model social action to the research, teaching, extension, and training of professionals, consistent with social needs, linked to the realities of the various contexts of human performance that neo university organizations, rescuing sustainability with human development and socioeconomic, involving the creative potentials and indigenous innovations of society. To coexistence between community and university in favor of endogenous growth is required, conceived as the leverage from the social and organizational strengths of the human conglomerate in reference, which promote; quality of life and sustainable human progress. Consequently, the purpose of this dissertation is limited to carrying out an analysis of the relevance and social responsibility of sustainable university organizations from the endogenous perspective. From the qualitative, interpretive, and hermeneutical paradigm, the categories of analysis are reviewed, to conclude; that the university theoretically approaches endogenous development. However, it is necessary to generate links of structural- organizational configuration within the educational institutions that involve processes related to their sustainability over time and their impacts.
dc.publisherCorporación Universidad de la Costa
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dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.sourceEntrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
dc.subjectUniversity social relevance
dc.subjectUniversity social responsibility
dc.subjectEndogenous development
dc.titleRelevance and social responsibility of sustainable university organizations: analysis from the perspective of endogenous capacities
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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