dc.creatorSantiago Méndez, Habid
dc.creatorDe La Cruz Consuegra, William
dc.creatorMolina Mesino, Enois
dc.creatorRojas Millán, Rafael Humberto
dc.creatorOrozco Aguinaga, Carlos Alberto
dc.creatorHinojosa Rivera, Moisés
dc.identifierCorporación Universidad de la Costa
dc.identifierREDICUC - Repositorio CUC
dc.descriptionThe present article arises from the study of the mechanical behavior of a body composed entirely of iron oxide and iron oxide and chip alloys through the experimental determination of resistance to impact by dynamic action through the application of loads of impact provided by a Charpy pendulum. The resistive evaluation will be useful for the development of new engineering materials, either to design structures or to design and manufacture machine parts. The study also evaluates the materials’ level of absorption of impact energy, or their capacity to partially absorb the energy from the impact loads. Possible applications include the design of new materials for use in the automotive industry, for example for collision protection systems for vehicles, among others. The tested materials are derived from metallurgical processes that involve various stages of iron smelting, from melting and casting of the metal until obtaining the test specimens.
dc.publisherIOP Publishing
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dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.sourceIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 872
dc.subjectIron oxide
dc.subjectImpact energy
dc.titleExperimental determination of resistance to penetration by dynamic action of a body made entirely of iron oxide and iron oxide and chip alloys
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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