dc.creatorGrimaldo Guerrero, John William
dc.creatorRodríguez Toscano, Andrés David
dc.creatorVidal Pacheco, Lucelys
dc.creatorOsorio Tovar, José
dc.identifierCorporación Universidad de la Costa
dc.identifierREDICUC - Repositorio CUC
dc.descriptionEnergy efficiency is a topic of interest due to the financial decisions that involve; high costs must be avoided and regulated by means of strategic decision with low-cost invest. The research presents an operational improvement in the production chain of metal parts in a metal-mechanic micro-enterprise by means of the installation of a conveyor belt, a comparison is made between the energy consumption of the previous system and the system with the conveyor belt, and the results present improvements in execution times, production and energy consumption per number of manufactured parts.
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
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dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.subjectEnergy Efficiency
dc.subjectMetal-mechanic Industry
dc.subjectConveyer Belt
dc.titleAnalysis of the energetic and productive effects derived by the installation of a conveyor belt in the metal-mechanic industry
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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