dc.creatorSilva, Jesús
dc.creatorVarela, Noel
dc.creatorPineda Lezama, Omar Bonerge
dc.creatorMartínez Sierra, David
dc.creatorMolina Romero, Jainer Enrique
dc.creatorVirviescas Peña, John Anderson
dc.creatorMunera Ramirez, Rubén Dario
dc.identifierCorporación Universidad de la Costa
dc.identifierREDICUC - Repositorio CUC
dc.descriptionAgricultural activity is characterized by an intensive use of capital and a considerable dependence on external financing. Access to credit is often limited by the scarcity of resources and lack of guarantees, seriously affecting the productivity and economic performance of agricultural exploitations. The objective of this paper is to assess the sustainability of agricultural production chain of rice in Latin America using multi-criteria analysis tools to facilitate decision-making through a benchmarking process to contribute to their economic sustainability. The implementation of the model in an exploitation typy depending on financing sources (conservative, intermediate, and innovative) has revealed the conflict between the goals, being the intermediate exploitation, which gets the best results. The conclusions show that the flexibilization of financing options positively affects the economic performance.
dc.publisherInternational Symposium on Neural Networks
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dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.subjectAgricultural financing
dc.subjectMulticriteria programming
dc.subjectSustainability rice farming
dc.subjectDecision making
dc.subjectGoals programming
dc.titleThe Goal Programming as a Tool for Measuring the Sustainability of Agricultural Production Chains of Rice

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