dc.creatorPeñaflor, Maria Fernanda Gomes Villalba
dc.creatorSarmento, Mariana Montagner de Moraes
dc.creatorBezerra da Silva, Cherre Sade
dc.creatorWerneburg, Andrea Graf
dc.creatorBento, José Maurício Simões
dc.identifierPEÑAFLOR, M. F. G. V. et al. Effect of host egg age on preference, development and arrestment of Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). European Journal of Entomology, Branišovská, v. 109, n. 1, p. 15-20, 2012.
dc.descriptionAge of host eggs can be a limiting factor for egg parasitoids. It is expected that old eggs are less preferred by egg parasitoids, which can discriminate between eggs of different ages by using chemical cues. The objective of this study was to determine the preference, development and arrestment of Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) parasitizing Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs of different ages. This egg parasitoid preferred to parasitize 1- and 2-day-old eggs rather than 3-day-old eggs in choice and no-choice assays. However, although the percentage emergence of parasitoids is significantly lower from 2- and 3-day-old eggs, the sex ratio and developmental time are unaffected. Parasitoids spent longer searching substrates impregnated with extracts of 1- and 2-day old eggs than 3-day-old eggs. Our results reveal that T. remus is able to distinguish the most suitable (1-day-old) from the least suitable (3-day-old) host eggs, but unable to recognize the unsuitability of intermediate aged eggs. Egg arrestants may be responsible for the preference of T. remus for ovipositing in 1- and 2-day old eggs.
dc.publisherInstitute of Entomology
dc.sourceEuropean Journal of Entomology
dc.subjectTelenomus remus
dc.subjectEgg parasitoid
dc.subjectFall armyworm
dc.titleEffect of host egg age on preference, development and arrestment of Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)

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