Análise de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina para classificar notícias para gerencimento de informação no mercado de café

dc.creatorLima Júnior, Paulo Oliveira
dc.creatorCastro Júnior, Luiz Gonzada de
dc.creatorZambalde, André Luiz
dc.identifierLIMA JÚNIOR, P. O.; CASTRO JÚNIOR, L. G. de; ZAMBALDE, A. L. Analysis of machine learning techniques to classify news for information management in coffee market. Revista do IEEE América Latina, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 7, p. 2285-2291, July 2015. Texto em português.
dc.descriptionThis paper presents an empirical study of machine learn techniques to text categorization. Specifically aim to classify news about coffee market according with categories from coffee supply chain. The objective is to measure the performance of three types of algorithms: Naïve Bayes based, Tree bases and Support Vector Machine (SVM). A database with news collected from web and labeled by human expert analysts is used in a learning phase. Then automatic classify news extracted from web following the same steps and terms as human according to their relevance for each learned category. The test in a real database shows a better performance by Naïve Bayes based Algorithms for this specific case.
dc.publisherIEEE América Latina
dc.sourceRevista do IEEE América Latina
dc.subjectGerenciamento de recursos de informação
dc.subjectSistema computacional
dc.subjectÁrvore de decisão
dc.subjectClassificador Naive Bayes
dc.subjectMáquinas de vetores de suporte
dc.subjectInformation resources management
dc.subjectComputational system
dc.subjectDecision tree
dc.subjectNaïve Bayes classifier
dc.subjectSupport vector machines
dc.titleAnalysis of machine learning techniques to classify news for information management in coffee market
dc.titleAnálise de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina para classificar notícias para gerencimento de informação no mercado de café

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