dc.creatorOLIVEIRA, Terezinha Ferreira de
dc.creatorAVILLEZ, Roberto Ribeiro de
dc.creatorEPPRECHT, Eugenio Kahn
dc.creatorQUEIROZ, Joaquim Carlos Barbosa
dc.identifierOLIVEIRA, Terezinha Ferreira de, et al. Evaluation via multivariate techniques of scale factor variability in the rietveld method applied to quantitative phase analysis with X ray powder diffraction. Materials Research, São Carlos, v. 9, n. 4, p. 369-374, out./dez. 2006. Disponível em: <http://www.scielo.br/pdf/mr/v9n4/04.pdf>. Acesso em: 26 set. 2013. <http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1516-14392006000400005>.
dc.descriptionThe present work uses multivariate statistical analysis as a form of establishing the main sources of error in the Quantitative Phase Analysis (QPA) using the Rietveld method. The quantitative determination of crystalline phases using x ray powder diffraction is a complex measurement process whose results are influenced by several factors. Ternary mixtures of Al2O3, MgO and NiO were prepared under controlled conditions and the diffractions were obtained using the Bragg-Brentano geometric arrangement. It was possible to establish four sources of critical variations: the experimental absorption and the scale factor of NiO, which is the phase with the greatest linear absorption coefficient of the ternary mixture; the instrumental characteristics represented by mechanical errors of the goniometer and sample displacement; the other two phases (Al2O3 and MgO); and the temperature and relative humidity of the air in the laboratory. The error sources excessively impair the QPA with the Rietveld method. Therefore it becomes necessary to control them during the measurement procedure.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAnálise multivariada
dc.subjectAnálise quantitativa
dc.subjectMétodo Rietveld
dc.titleEvaluation via multivariate techniques of scale factor variability in the rietveld method applied to quantitative phase analysis with X ray powder diffraction
dc.typeArtigo de Periódico

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