dc.creatorOliveira, Marcela Alvares
dc.creatorCosta-Rodrigues, Ana Paula Vitoria
dc.creatorDoria, Carolina Rodrigues da Costa
dc.creatorMessias, Mariluce Rezende
dc.descriptionThe consumption of anurans is almost non-existent in the Brazilian Amazon, and the objective of this study was to describe the consumption of the white-lipped frog (Leptodactylus macrosternum) influenced by YouTubeTM videos in the Brazilian Amazon. The record of consumption was made in the rural community of Cujubim Grande, belonging to the municipality of Porto Velho, Rondônia state. The interviewee stated that she started consuming the white-lipped frog after watching videos on YouTubeTM. The closest family members do not consume the white-lipped frog due to aversion to the group and the availability of other animal protein sources. This demonstrates how videos on an online platform can contribute to changing the eating habits of rural populations in the Amazon.en-US
dc.publisherSociedade Brasileira de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologiapt-BR
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dc.rightsDireitos autorais 2022 Ethnoscientia - Brazilian Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecologypt-BR
dc.sourceEthnoscientia - Brazilian Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology; Ethnoscientia, v.7, n.3 (2022); 1-8pt-BR
dc.subjectEthnozoology; Human ecology; Zoology; Zoologia, Ecologia humana, Etnozoologiaen-US
dc.subjectAnura; Brazil; Interviews; Streamingen-US
dc.coverageAmazônia; Rondônia; Brasil; Américasen-US
dc.coverageIdade contemporâneaen-US
dc.coveragePor regiãoen-US

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