dc.creatorJO??O, THIAGO G.
dc.creatorSANTOS, DIOGO F. dos
dc.creatorROSSI, PEDRO C.R.
dc.creatorSOUZA, GREGORIO S. de
dc.creatorSANTOS, ADIMIR dos
dc.dateOctober 21-25, 2019
dc.descriptionAfter 30 years of operation, the IPEN/MB-01 research reactor is about to receive a new plate-type core. This replacement is due to the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB) needs, the largest project in nuclear engineering taking place in Brazil. The RMB will be a 30MW open pool-type research reactor, keeping the core in a 5x5 configuration (23 fuel elements, made of U3Si2-Al fuel plates, with 3.7 gU/cm3, 19.75% enriched in U-235 and two extra positions available for materials irradiation). The radioisotopes production, material irradiation, nuclear fuels structural testing and the development of scientific and technological research using neutron beams are the main targets of the RMB enterprise. In this way, in order to verify, experimentally, the calculation methods and data libraries used for the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor design, reactor cell and mesh structures, control rods effectiveness, isothermal reactivity coefficients and core dynamics due to reactivity insertions, the IPEN/MB-01 new plate-type core is being implemented at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN-SP), SP-Brazil. It??s a tank-type research reactor. The core has a 4??5 configuration, with 19 fuel elements (U3Si2-Al, 2.8gU/cm?? and 19.75% enriched in U-235), plus one aluminum block (internal irradiation position). As burnable poison, cadmium wires were used, once they are also employed at the RMB project to control the power density and the excess of reactivity during its operation. The core is reflected by four boxes of heavy water (D2O) and its maximum nominal power is 100W. Thereby, a Monte Carlo modeling was developed using the Monte Carlo N-Particle code (MCNP), along with NJOY, for processing the materials nuclear cross sections. This modeling for the IPEN/MB-01 new plate-type core is presented and some neutronic calculations were also depicted in this paper.
dc.publisherAssocia????o Brasileira de Energia Nuclear
dc.subjectcontrol elements
dc.subjectcross sections
dc.subjectfuel plates
dc.subjectipen-mb-1 reactor
dc.subjectmesh generation
dc.subjectmonte carlo method
dc.subjectneutron flux
dc.subjectpower density
dc.subjectreactor cells
dc.subjectreactor cores
dc.subjectrmb reactor
dc.titleMonte Carlo modeling of the new plate-type core for the Brazilian IPEN/MB-01 research reactor
dc.typeTexto completo de evento
dc.localRio de Janeiro

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