dc.description | Scintillators are high-density luminescent materials that convert X-rays to visible light. Thallium doped cesium iodide (CsI:Tl) scintillation materials are widely used as converters for X-rays into visible light, with very high conversion efficiency of 64.000 optical photons/MeV. CsI:Tl crystals are commercially available, but, the possibility of developing these crystals into different geometric shapes, meeting the need for coupling the photosensor and reducing cost, makes this material very attractive for scientific research. The objective of this work was to study the feasibility of using radiation sensors, scintillators type, developed for use in imaging systems for X-rays. In this paper, the CsI:Tl scintillator crystal with nominal concentration of the 10???3 M was grown by the vertical Bridgman technique. The imaging performance of CsI:Tl scintillator was studied as a function of the design type and thickness, since it interferes with the light scattering and, hence, the detection efficiency plus final image resolution. The result of the diffraction X-ray analysis in the grown crystals was consistent with the pattern of a face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal structure. Slices 25 ?? 2 ?? 3 mm3 (length, thickness, height) of the crystal and mini crystals of 1 ?? 2 ?? 3 mm3 (length, thickness, height) were used for comparison in the imaging systems for X-rays. With these crystals scintillators, images of undesirable elements, such as metals in food packaging, were obtained. One-dimensional array of photodiodes and the photosensor CCD (Coupled Charge Device) component were used. In order to determine the ideal thickness of the slices of the scintillator crystal CsI:Tl, Monte Carlo method was used. | |