Effects of resistance training on the performance of activities of daily living in patients with Alzheimer's disease
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Geriatrics and Gerontology International, v. 13, n. 2, p. 322-328, 2013.
Garuffi, Marcelo
Costa, José Luiz Riani
Hernández, Salma Sthephany Soleman
Vital, Thays Martins
Stein, Angelica Miki
Santos, Julimara Gomes dos
Stella, Florindo
Aim: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of resistance training in activities of daily living performance in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Methods: An exploratory and longitudinal study, lasting for 16weeks, with the participation of 34 patients divided equally in: the training group (TG), who participated in a resistance training protocol (three sets of 20 repetitions in five exercises); and the social gathering group (SGG), who participated in a social interaction protocol (i.e. group dynamics, writing and reading activities). Results: We observed significant differences between the groups in moving around the house, climbing stairs, standing up from the floor and putting on socks tests. Conclusion: This study showed that resistance training improves agility, lower limb strength, balance and flexibility in AD patients, while SGG protocol is important to improve the agility. © 2012 Japan Geriatrics Society.