dc.creatorMelo, Christiane
dc.creatorFialho, Cíntia
dc.creatorFaria, Autieres
dc.creatorNeto, Manoel
dc.creatorSaraiva, Douglas
dc.creatorCosta, Maurício
dc.creatorFerreira, Lino
dc.creatorFerreira, Francisco Affonso
dc.descriptionInteractions between weeds and soil microorganisms can give them a competitive advantage over crops. This study assessed the biomass and microbial activity of soil cultivated with weeds and corn (Zea mays L.) in monoculture and in competition under different fertility management systems. The experiment considered four soil fertility management systems (calcium and magnesium silicate + fertilization; limestone + fertilization; no correction source + fertilization; no correction source + no fertilization) and 12 crops (five competition arrangements between corn and weeds Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R.D. Webster, lpomoea grandifolia (Dammer) O'Donell, Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist, Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit., and Bidens pilosa L. plus the six species in monoculture and bare soil. After 60 d coexisting in a greenhouse, soil samples were collected to determine microbial biomass, respiration rate, and metabolic quotient. Soils cultivated with B. pilosa and Z. mays+U. brizantha showed higher microbial biomass. Cultivation of B. pilosa and Z. mays+H. suaveolens provided greater energy efficiency to maintain microbial cells. Biomass and microbial activity were altered by plant species, coexistence, and soil fertility management. Calcium and magnesium silicate, as well as limestone similarly influenced biomass and respiration rate of soil cultivated with most species. For some crops, the Si source was better than limestone to promote lower specific activity of the edaphic microbiota. The change in the microbial activity of soil can be a strategy used by the species to minimize the effects of competition.
dc.publisherChilean journal of agricultural research
dc.relationv.74, n.4, p.477-484, October-December 2014
dc.rightsOpen Access
dc.subjectCalcium and magnesium silicate
dc.subjectSoil microorganism/weed interaction
dc.subjectMicrobial biomass
dc.subjectSoil metabolic quotient
dc.subjectZea mays.
dc.titleMicrobial activity of soil cultivated with corn in association with weeds under different fertility management systems

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