Effect of fungicides on the mite fauna of prunus persica L. cultivars in Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil
Registration in:
Journal of Plant Protection Research, v. 51, n. 3, p. 285-293, 2011.
Montes, Sônia
Raga, Adalton
Boliani, Aparecida
De Carvalho Mineiro, Jeferson
Dos Santos, Pedro
The objective of this study was to characterize the diversity of phytophagous and predatory mites on peach cultivars either with or without fungicide treatment, in the city of Presidente Prudente, State of São Paulo, Brazil. In order to evaluate the effect of fungicides, leaf samples were colleted at random from treated and untreated plants of the Tropical, Aurora 1 and Aurora 2 cultivars, from June 2004 to February 2006. From the results obtained it can be concluded that: plants with or without treatment showed high populations of predatory mites, indicating that the treatments were innocuous on the mite populations. A diversified composition of the mite community was observed. The Phytoseiidae family had the highest richness in numbers and species of mites. Euseius citrifolius and E. concordis were the most abundant species. Plants with or without treatment had high abundances of predatory mites, with a predominance of E. citrifolius.