dc.creatorMaio, Marcos Chor
dc.creatorOliveira, Nemuel da Silva
dc.creatorLopes, Thiago da Costa
dc.identifierMAIO, Marcos Chor; OLIVEIRA, Nemuel da Silva; LOPES, Thiago da Costa. Donald Pierson e o Projeto do Vale do Rio São Francisco: cientistas sociais em ação na era do desenvolvimento. DADOS – Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, v. 56, n. 2, p. 245-284, 2013.
dc.descriptionAmid rapid social changes in Brazil in the 1950s, wide-reaching collective research projects in the social sciences were conducted in partnership between Brazilian and international agencies working in regional development. Cooperation between social scientists and government staff was based on the expectation that social and anthropological studies would orient the changes then under way. By approaching the research program in the São Francisco River Valley, the article examines a turning point in the career of sociologist Donald Pierson, combining analyses of context and content in his intellectual production. Pierson concentrated initially on the institutionalization of the social sciences in Brazil, promoting a standard of sociological work based on scientific research. In his research in the São Francisco River Valley, Pierson adopted a new approach by combining the sociologist s role as scientist with that of agent of social change, thereby highlighting the importance of the application of sociological knowledge in practice.
dc.descriptionDans les années 1950 au Brésil, au milieu de changements sociaux accélérés, on a entrepris d importants projets collectifs de recherche en sciences sociales en partenariat avec des agences nationales et internationales intéressées par le développement régional. La coopération entre chercheurs et techniciens de la fonction publique était fondée sur le souhait que les études sociologiques et anthropologiques pourraient guider les transformations en cours. À partir de l examen du programme de recherches de la Vallée du Rio São Francisco, on cherche, dans cet article, à saisir les inflexions de trajectoire du sociologue Donald Pierson, en y associant l'analyse du contexte et celle du contenu de sa production intellectuelle. Au départ, Pierson s est concentré sur l institutionnalisation des sciences sociales au Brésil, en proposant un modèle de travail sociologique calqué sur la recherche empirique. Mais, au cours de ses enquêtes dans la vallée du fleuve, il adopte une nouvelle perspective en incorporant au rôle de spécialiste sociologue celui d'agent du changement social, tout en soulignant l importance de l'application du savoir sociologique.
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectDonald Pierson
dc.subjectProjeto do Vale do Rio São Francisco
dc.subjectEstudos comunitários
dc.subjectMudança social
dc.subjectHistória das Ciências Sociais no Brasil
dc.subjectDonald Pierson
dc.subjectSão Francisco River Valley Project
dc.subjectCommunity studies
dc.subjectSocial change
dc.subjectHistory of the Social Sciences in Brazil
dc.subjectDonald Pierson
dc.subjectProjet du Vale do Rio São Francisco
dc.subjectÉtudes de communautés
dc.subjectChangement social
dc.subjectHistoire des Sciences Sociales au Brésil
dc.subjectCiências sociais/história
dc.subjectMudança social
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento comunitário
dc.titleDonald Pierson e o Projeto do Vale do Rio São Francisco: Cientistas Sociais em Ação na Era do Desenvolvimento

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