dc.creatorVaz, Barbara Coelho
dc.creatorGomes, Pérolla Melo Goulart
dc.creatorCapistrano, Adélia Benetti de Paula
dc.identifierVAZ, Barbara; GOULART-GOMES, Pérolla; Capistrano, Adélia. Actions of protagonism and guarantee of rights in the CAPS in the Federal District. In: SYMPOSIUM ON USING QUALITATIVE EVIDENCE TO INFORM DECISIONS IN THE SDG ERA: NEW FRONTIERS AND INNOVATIONS, 1. , 2019, Brasília. Anais… Brasília: Fiocruz Brasília; NIPH, 2019. p. 31-32.
dc.descriptionThe Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) of SUS is based on the protagonism and defense of the rights of its users; the Center for Psychosocial Care (CAPS) is the service responsible for care and promoting territorial organization, and it is the most strategic point for its assistance and territory input. The Federal District of Brazil is implementing its RAPS, but numerous barriers halts the adequate operationalization of actions regarding the protagonism and guarantee of rights, as the Law 10.216 / 2001 sets forth. OBJECTIVE: To list the main barriers and facilitators of the implementation of actions on strengthening the protagonism and guarantee of users' rights in two CAPS. METHODS: The present qualitative research of implementation covered three phases using different instruments: I) research on the context of the local CAPS, investigation on records of procedures in the Health Ministry information system; focal group on the history of local service creation; specific normative acts of mental health. II) deepening the dynamics of operation of two services through 34 interviews, 150 observation hours and 2 focal groups. III) workshops to discuss the results and thus elaborate the action plan to overcome barriers and strengthen the facilitators. The users participated intensely in steps II and III. RESULTS: first phase recovered the law of The District Mental Health Day and exhibited structural difficulties regarding the report of procedures to MS. In the second stage, we identified issues such as the use of the Unique Therapeutic Project only as an instrument for organizing activities; the unconcern of workers and beneficiaries’ relatives about users´role importance; the scarce variety of rights’ guarantees oriented actions because of the lack of knowledge regarding acquired rights . The results pointed out the need for development of actions and strategies tailored to the territory. The research was concluded with a plan of shared actions amongst local management, workers, and CAPS users. CONCLUSIONS: The assumption of community-based care is essential for the development of quality practices within mental health care devices. It is fundamental that there is qualification to offer services which favors spaces of dialogue and the protagonism of the user; for example, the assembly and the tools of joint construction of paths and possibilities for the treatme.
dc.publisherFiocruz Brasília
dc.publisherNorwegian Institute of Public Health
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectAtenção psicossocial
dc.subjectSaúde mental
dc.subjectPolítica de saúde
dc.subjectPsychosocial care
dc.subjectMental health
dc.subjectHealth policy
dc.subjectSaúde Mental
dc.subjectAtenção Primária à Saúde
dc.titleActions of protagonism and guarantee of rights in the CAPS in the Federal District
dc.typePapers presented at events

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