dc.creatorLabbé, F.
dc.creatorFlanley, C.M.
dc.creatorGiraldo-Calderón, G.I.
dc.creatorHawksworth, M.
dc.creatorKennedy, R.C.
dc.creatorShoue, D.A.
dc.creatorTadros, S.
dc.creatorMcDowell, M.A.
dc.creatorAbdeladhim, M.
dc.creatorKamhawi, S.
dc.creatorOliveira, F.
dc.creatorRibeiro, J.M.C.
dc.creatorValenzuela, J.
dc.creatorAbrudan, J.
dc.creatorAraki, A.S.
dc.creatorBruno, R.V.
dc.creatorRivas, G.B.D.S.
dc.creatorda Costa-Latgé, S.G.
dc.creatorGenta, F.A.
dc.creatorGomes, B.
dc.creatorMeireles-Filho, A.C.A.
dc.creatorPavan, M.G.
dc.creatorMoraes, C.D.S.
dc.creatorGesto, J.S.M.
dc.creatorTeles-De-freitas, R.
dc.creatorAraujo, R.N.
dc.creatorGontijo, N.F.
dc.creatorPereira, M.H.
dc.creatorSant’anna, M.R.V.
dc.creatorArensburger, P.
dc.creatorBenoit, J.B.
dc.creatorHendershot, J.M.
dc.creatorJennings, E.C.
dc.creatorBrazil, R.P.
dc.creatorRosendale, A.J.
dc.creatorMarques, J.T.
dc.creatorde Abreu, V.C.
dc.creatorAguiar, E.R.G.R.
dc.creatorOlmo, R.P.
dc.creatorde Oliveira, K.P.V.
dc.creatorCharamis, J.
dc.creatorIoannidis, P.
dc.creatorKarageorgiou, C.
dc.creatorVontas, J.
dc.creatorCoutinho-Abreu, I.V.
dc.creatorDarby, A.
dc.creatorDillon, V.M.
dc.creatorEmrich, S.J.
dc.creatorFernandez-Medina, D.
dc.creatorGatherer, D.
dc.creatorHamilton, J.G.C.
dc.creatorDillon, R.J.
dc.creatorGesing, S.
dc.creatorHamarsheh, O.
dc.creatorHickner, P.V.
dc.creatorImler, J.-L.
dc.creatorKrueger, A.
dc.creatorLatorre-Estivalis, J.M.
dc.creatorLigoxygakis, P.
dc.creatorMinx, P.
dc.creatorWang, L.
dc.creatorMiranda, J.C.
dc.creatorMontague, M.J.
dc.creatorNowling, R.J.
dc.creatorTelleria, E.L.
dc.creatorOrtigão-Farias, J.
dc.creatorTraub-Csekö, Y.M.
dc.creatorPitaluga, A.N.
dc.creatorRamalho-Ortigao, M.
dc.creatorScherer, S.E.
dc.creatorRichards, S.
dc.creatorSecundino, N.F.C.
dc.creatorSouza, N.A.
dc.creatorSyed, Z.
dc.creatorTomlinson, C.
dc.creatorTu, Z.
dc.creatorUnger, M.F.
dc.creatorFerreira, F.V.
dc.creatorVigoder, F.M.
dc.creatorWeedall, G.D.
dc.creatorZhioua, E.
dc.creatorWarren, W.C.
dc.creatorWaterhouse, R.M.
dc.identifierLABBÉ, Frédéric et al. Genomic analysis of two phlebotomine sand fly vectors of Leishmania from the New and Old World. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. v.17, n. 4: e0010862, p. 1 - 35, April 2023.
dc.descriptionAUTORES: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Alejandra Saori Araki-Laboratório de Bioquímica e Fisiologia de Insetos, IOC, FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Reginaldo Pecanha Brazil. Laboratório de Doenças Parasitárias. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Rafaela V. Bruno. Laboratório de Bioquímica e Fisiologia de Insetos, IOC, FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Gustavo Bueno da Silva Rivas. Laboratório de Bioquímica e Fisiologia de Insetos, IOC, FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Samara G. da Costa-Latge- Laboratório de Bioquímica e Fisiologia de Insetos, IOC, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Fernando A. Genta. Laboratório de Bioquímica e Fisiologia de Insetos, IOC, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Bruno Gomes. Laboratório de Bioquímica e Fisiologia de Insetos, IOC, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. João Ortigão-Farias. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz – Fiocruz, RJ, Brasil. Marcio G. Pavan. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz – Fiocruz, RJ, Brasil. Andre Nobrega Pitaluga- Laboratório de Biologia Molecular de Parasitas e Vetores, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, RJ, Brasil. Nataly Araujo Souza - Laboratorio Interdisciplinar em Vigilância Entomologia em Diptera e Hemiptera. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, RJ, Brasil.
dc.descriptionPhlebotomine sand flies are of global significance as important vectors of human disease, transmitting bacterial, viral, and protozoan pathogens, including the kinetoplastid parasites of the genus Leishmania, the causative agents of devastating diseases collectively termed leishmaniasis. More than 40 pathogenic Leishmania species are transmitted to humans by approximately 35 sand fly species in 98 countries with hundreds of millions of people at risk around the world. No approved efficacious vaccine exists for leishmaniasis and available therapeutic drugs are either toxic and/or expensive, or the parasites are becoming resistant to the more recently developed drugs. Therefore, sand fly and/or reservoir control are currently the most effective strategies to break transmission. To better understand the biology of sand flies, including the mechanisms involved in their vectorial capacity, insecticide resistance, and population structures we sequenced the genomes of two geographically widespread and important sand fly vector species: Phlebotomus papatasi, a vector of Leishmania parasites that cause cutaneous leishmaniasis, (distributed in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa) and Lutzomyia longipalpis, a vector of Leishmania parasites that cause visceral leishmaniasis (distributed across Central and South America). We categorized and PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES Sand fly genomics PLOS Neglected curated genes involved in processes important to their roles as disease vectors, including chemosensation, blood feeding, circadian rhythm, immunity, and detoxification, as well as mobile genetic elements. We also defined gene orthology and observed micro-synteny among the genomes. Finally, we present the genetic diversity and population structure of these species in their respective geographical areas. These genomes will be a foundation on which to base future efforts to prevent vector-borne transmission of Leishmania parasites.
dc.publisherGeoffrey M. Attardo, University of California Davis, USA.
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectAnálise Genômica
dc.subjectDois vetores de flebotomíneos
dc.subjectDo Novo e do Velho Mundo
dc.subjectGenomic analysis
dc.subjectTwo phlebotomine sand fly vectors
dc.subjectFrom the New and Old World
dc.titleGenomic analysis of two phlebotomine sand fly vectors of Leishmania from the New and Old World

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