dc.creatorMurta, Felipe Leão Gomes
dc.creatorMassara, Cristiano Lara
dc.creatorRodrigues, Maria Gabriela
dc.creatorBeck, Lilian Christina Nóbrega Holsbach
dc.creatorFavre, Tereza Cristina
dc.identifierMURTA, Felipe Leão Gomes et al. Teachers as multipliers of knowledge about schistosomiasis: a possible approach for health education programmes. BMC Infectious Diseases, v. 22, 853, p. 1 - 13, 2022.
dc.descriptionBackground: In the past decade, Brazil has signifcantly reduced the prevalence of schistosomiasis through a combined efort of early treatment of infected people, expansion of basic sanitation infrastructure and educational measures. Despite these eforts, in some areas, prevalence of schistosomiasis exceeds 20% of the school population, who lack knowledge of the risks of the disease. Action can be taken in schools to empower this population about their health condition. This paper describes the role of the teacher as a multiplier of knowledge about schistosomiasis and proposes two diferent approaches to training these teachers. Methods: This study used mixed methods to evaluate training of teachers and educational intervention with those teachers’ pupils. Two training courses, each with 40 h of face-to-face activity, were ofered to 19 teachers, using two diferent but complementary approaches, based on theoretical references and specifc educational strategies: Critical Pedagogical Approach (Training Course I, held in 2013) and Creative Play Approach (Training Course II, held in 2014). The courses included classroom activities, laboratory and feld work. After the training, the teachers conducted activities on schistosomiasis with their pupils. These activities involved constructing educational materials and cultural productions. The pupils’ knowledge about the disease was evaluated before the activities and 12 months later. The teachers’ acceptance and perceptions were assessed through structured interviews and subsequent thematic analysis. The Shistosoma mansoni infection status of teachers and their students was also assessed using the Kato Katz stool test. Results: The parasitological study showed 31.6% of the teachers and 21.4% of the pupils to be positive for S. mansoni. The teachers’ knowledge of important aspects of schistosomiasis transmission and prevention was fragmented and incorrect prior to the training. The teachers’ knowledge changed signifcantly after the training and they were strongly accepting of the pedagogical methods used during the training. The level of their pupils’ knowledge about the disease had increased signifcantly (p<0.05). However, pupils responded that, even after the educational activities, they still had contact with the city’s contaminated waters (p>0.05). Conclusions: The results of this study underline the importance of schools and teachers as partners in controlling and eliminating schistosomiasis. Teacher training on the disease signifcantly increases their pupils’ knowledge, refecting empowerment with regard to local health conditions.
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectÁrea endêmica
dc.subjectEducação saudável
dc.subjectEsquistossomose mansônica
dc.subjectTreinamento de professor
dc.subjectEndemic area
dc.subjectHealth education
dc.subjectSchistosomiasis mansoni
dc.subjectTeacher training
dc.titleTeachers as multipliers of knowledge about schistosomiasis: a possible approach for health education programmes

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