dc.creatorKugeratski, Fernanda G.
dc.creatorBatista, Michel
dc.creatorInoue, Alexandre Haruo
dc.creatorRamos, Bruno Dias
dc.creatorKrieger, Marco Aurélio
dc.creatorMarchini, Fabrício Klerynton
dc.identifierKUGERATSKI, Fernanda. G. et al. pTcGW plasmid vectors 1.1 version: a versatile tool for Trypanosoma cruzi gene characterisation. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. V.110, n.5, p. 687-90, 2015.
dc.descriptionFinancial support: CNPq, IBMP
dc.descriptionThe functional characterisation of thousands of Trypanosoma cruzi genes remains a challenge. Reverse genetics approaches compatible with high-throughput cloning strategies can provide the tool needed to tackle this challenge. We previously published the pTcGW platform, composed by plasmid vectors carrying different options of N-terminal fusion tags based on Gateway® technology. Here, we present an improved 1.1 version of pTcGW vectors, which is characterised by a fully flexible structure allowing an easy customisation of each element of the vectors in a single cloning step. Additionally, both N and C-terminal fusions are available with new tag options for protein complexes purification. Three of the newly created vectors were successfully used to determine the cellular localisation of four T. cruzi proteins. The 1.1 version of pTcGW platform can be used in a variety of assays, such as protein overexpression, identification of protein-protein interaction and protein localisation. This powerful and versatile tool allows adding valuable functional information to T. cruzi genes and is freely available for scientific community.
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectTrypanosoma cruzi
dc.subjectplasmid vectors
dc.subjectpTcGW platform
dc.subjectreverse genetics
dc.subjectgene characterisation
dc.subjectVetores Genéticos
dc.subjectClonagem de Organismos
dc.subjectExpressão Gênica
dc.subjectGenética Reversa
dc.titlepTcGW plasmid vectors 1.1 version: a versatile tool for Trypanosoma cruzi gene characterisation

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