dc.creatorSantos, Alcione de Oliveira dos
dc.creatorSouza, Luan Felipo Botelho
dc.creatorLopes, Débora Santos
dc.creatorRodrigues, Géssica Tenório
dc.creatorQueiroz, Jackson Alves Santos
dc.creatorMatos, Najla Benevides
dc.creatorSalcedo, Juan Miguel Villalobos
dc.creatorVieira, Deusilene Souza
dc.identifierSANTOS, Alcione de Oliveira dos et al. Etiologic Viral Characterization of Acute Respiratory Infections in Children in the Western Amazon-Brazil. Internacional Journal of Virology and AIDS, v. 4, p. 1-9, 2017.
dc.descriptionAcute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) are classified according to the compromised anatomical site. The etiology can be associated with viruses, bacteria and fungi. The etiological agents that are responsible for the highest incidence in children, around 50 to 90% of occurrences, are viruses. This study aims to characterize the factors that contribute to acute respiratory infection in children from 0-6 years old and the main symptoms that are presented, thus classifying the etiological agents. This is a descriptive quantitative study carried out by the molecular virology laboratory of the Research Center in Tropical Medicine-CEPEM/RO and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Rondonia-FIOCRUZ/RO. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire with 660 patients of both sexes, with questions about socioeconomic data and clinical manifestations, from February to December 2013. Prevalent clinical manifestations were cough, coryza, pulmonary secretion, fever, nasal obstruction, otalgia, adventitious sounds, apnea, dyspnoea and ocular pruritus of the 113 children diagnosed with acute respiratory infection, the highest incidence was in males. The proposed pathogens in the study were rhinovirus, parainfluenza 1, 2, 3, and adenovirus. Parainfluenza 2 and rhinovirus are the most prevalent.
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Virology and AIDS
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectAcute respiratory infection
dc.subjectEtiological agent
dc.titleEtiologic Viral Characterization of Acute Respiratory Infections in Children in the Western Amazon-Brazil

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