dc.creatorShindo, Nice
dc.creatorAlcantara, Luiz Carlos Junior
dc.creatorVan Dooren, Sonia
dc.creatorSalemi, Marco
dc.creatorCosta, Maria Cristina Ramos
dc.creatorKashima, Simone G
dc.creatorCovas, Dimas Tadeu
dc.creatorTeva, Antonio
dc.creatorPellegrini, Marco
dc.creatorBrito, Ivo
dc.creatorVandamme, Anne-Mieke
dc.creatorCastro Filho, Bernardo Galvão
dc.identifierSHINDO, N. et al. Human retroviruses (HIV and HTLV) in Brazilian Indians: seroepidemiological study and molecular epidemiology of HTLV type 2 isolates. AIDS Research Human Retroviruses, v. 18, n. 1 p. 71-7, jan. 2002.
dc.descriptionTo investigate serological, epidemiological, and molecular aspects of HTLV-1, HTLV-2, and HIV-1 infections in Amerindian populations in Brazil, we tested 683 and 321 sera from Tiriyo and Waiampi Indians, respectively. Both HIV-1 and HTLV-2 infections were detected at low prevalence among the Tiriyos whereas only HTLV-1 was present among the Waiampis, also at low prevalence. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the 631 bp of the env gene obtained from the three HTLV-2 isolates detected among the Tiriyos demonstrated by restriction fragment length polymorphism that these viruses belong to subtype IIa. Phylogenetic analysis of this same fragment showed that these sequences cluster closer to HTLV-2 isolates from intravenous drug users living in urban areas of southern Brazil than to the same gene sequence studied in another Brazilian tribe, the Kayapos. Our results confirm the distribution of Brazilian HTLV-2 sequences in a unique cluster I and cluster IIa and suggest that there is a considerable degree of diversity within this cluster. We also report for the first time HIV-1 infection among Brazilian Amerindians.
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectAnticorpos Antivirais/sangue
dc.subjectInfecções por HIV/virologia
dc.subjectInfecções por HTLV-I/virologia
dc.subjectInfecções por HTLV-II/virologia
dc.subjectVirus Linfotrópico de Células T Humanas Tipo 1
dc.subjectVírus 2 Linfotrópico T Humano
dc.subjectAnticorpos Anti-HIV/sangue
dc.subjectInfecções por HIV/epidemiologia
dc.subjectInfecções por HTLV-I/epidemiologia
dc.subjectInfecções por HTLV-II/epidemiologia
dc.subjectVirus Linfotrópico de Células T Humanas Tipo 1/imunologia
dc.subjectVírus 2 Linfotrópico T Humano/genética
dc.subjectVírus 2 Linfotrópico T Humano/imunologia
dc.subjectVírus 2 Linfotrópico T Humano/isolamento & purificação
dc.subjectÍndios Sul-Americanos
dc.subjectEpidemiologia Molecular
dc.subjectDados de Sequência Molecular
dc.subjectRNA Viral/genética
dc.subjectEstudos Soroepidemiológicos
dc.titleHuman retroviruses (HIV and HTLV) in Brazilian Indians: seroepidemiological study and molecular epidemiology of HTLV type 2 isolates.

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