dc.creatorSouza, Raquel Lopes Martins
dc.creatorPereira, C. A. J.
dc.creatorMartins Filho, Olindo Assis
dc.creatorCoelho, Paulo Marcos Zach
dc.creatorCorrêa Junior, Ary
dc.creatorCorrêa, Deborah Aparecida Negrão
dc.identifierMARTINS SOUZA, RL et al. Differential lectin labelling of circulating hemocytes from Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria tenagophila resistant or susceptible to Schistosoma mansoni infection. MEM INST OSWALDO CRUZ, RIO DE JANEIRO, 101 (Suppl.I), 2006, pp 185-192
dc.descriptionPronex/CNPq, Fapemig
dc.descriptionLectins/carbohydrate binding can be involved in the Schistosoma mansoni recognition and activation of the Biomphalaria hemocytes. Therefore, expression of lectin ligands on Biomphalaria hemocytes would be associated with snail resistance against S. mansoniinfection. To test this hypothesis, circulating hemocytes were isolated from B. glabrataBH (snail strain highy susceptible to S. mansoni), B. tenagophilaCabo Frio (moderate susceptibility), and B. tenagophilaTaim (completely resistant strains), labelled with FITC conjugated lectins (ConA, PNA, SBA, and WGA) and analyzed under fluorescence microscopy. The results demonstrated that although lectin-labelled hemocytes were detected in hemolymph of all snail species tested, circulating hemocytes from both strains ofB. Tenagophila showed a larger number of lectin-labelled cells than B. glabrata. Moreover, most of circulating hemocytes of B. tenagophilawere intensively labelled by lectins PNA-FITC and WGA-FITC, while in B. glabrata small hemocytes were labeled mainly by ConA. Upon S. mansoniinfection, lectin-labelled hemocytes almost disappeared from the hemolymph of Taim and accumulated in B. glabrataBH. The role of lectins/carbohydrate binding in resistance of B.tengophila infection to S. mansoniis still not fully understood, but the data suggest that there may be a correlation to its presence with susceptibility or resistance to the parasite.
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectSchistosoma mansoni
dc.subjectBiomphalaria tenagophila
dc.subjectsnail susceptibility to trematode
dc.subjectlectin labelling of hemocytes
dc.subjecthost-parasite interaction
dc.titleDifferential lectin labelling of circulating hemocytes from Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria tenagophila resistant or susceptible to Schistosoma mansoni infection

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