dc.creatorRangel, Elizabeth Ferreira
dc.creatorAfonso, Margarete Martins dos Santos
dc.creatorSotero-Martins, Adriana
dc.creatorCampos, Aline
dc.creatorCoelho, Wagner Nazário
dc.creatorGama, Eric Lopes da
dc.creatorFlores, Geane Lopes
dc.creatorSiqueira, Marilda Agudo Mendonça Teixeira de
dc.creatorAguiar-Oliveira, Maria de Lourdes
dc.identifierRANGEL, Elizabeth Ferreira et al. Can Climate and Environmental Factors Putatively Increase SARS-Cov2 Transmission Risks? American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, p. 294-299, January 08 2021.
dc.descriptionA Rede Genômica Fiocruz é formada por especialistas de todas as unidades da Fundação no país e de institutos parceiros que se empenham diariamente em gerar dados mais robustos sobre o comportamento do SARS-Cov-2 e contribuir para um melhor preparo do país no enfrentamento da pandemia em termos de diagnóstico mais precisos e vacinas eficazes. Saiba mais sobre a Rede Genômica Fiocruz em: http://www.genomahcov.fiocruz.br/
dc.descriptionAfter the identification of the first SARS-COV-2 infected cases in China, the virus was rapidly disseminated among the distinct continents and the COVID-19 pandemics was announced by the WHO in March 2020. Over time, the epidemiological sceneries varied among countries, according to the adopted mitigation measures and epidemic phase. Recently, a recrudescence of the epidemics has been observed in distinct countries. SARSCoV-2 can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact. The viral RNA has been detected in stool and other clinical specimens from infected patients and a putative fecal-oral transmission has been argued. Viruses are shed in human excreta, further disposed into the sewerage system or into the environment, in poor sanitation settings. Thus, SARS-CoV-2 RNA has been regularly detected in wastewater and surface water impacted by the direct discharge of sewage. Some studies have reported an association between climatic parameters and an increase in COVID-19 incidence. However, conclusive evidence based in full seasons is needed so far. This mini-review briefly discusses the putative role of climate and environmental factors on SARS-CoV-2 exposure, transmission and circulation patterns. Moreover, some additional challenges in middle and low-income settings are highlighted. Efforts must be driven to categorically understand the relationships between SARS-CoV-2 infection, circulation patterns and climate parameters, as the putative implications of viral persistence and viability in distinct environmental matrices. This information is crucial for COVID-19 control and prevention, especially in middle and low-income settings, already wedged by social inequality, inadequate sanitation and deficient healthcare admission.
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectRede Genômica Fiocruz
dc.subjectSurface water
dc.subjectPublic health
dc.titleCan Climate and Environmental Factors Putatively Increase SARS-Cov2 Transmission Risks?

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