dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.contributorUniv Catania
dc.contributorIst Nazl Fis Nucl
dc.contributorCtr Variable Energy Cyclotron
dc.creatorGhosh, Sabyasachi [UNESP]
dc.creatorDas, Santosh K.
dc.creatorGreco, Vincenzo
dc.creatorSarkar, Sourav
dc.creatorAlam, Jan-e
dc.identifierPhysical Review D. College Pk: Amer Physical Soc, v. 90, n. 5, 6 p., 2014.
dc.descriptionThe drag and diffusion coefficients of the Lambda(c)(2286 MeV) have been evaluated in the hadronic medium which is expected to be formed in the later stages of the evolving fireball produced in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies. The interactions between the Lambda(c) and the hadrons in the medium have been derived from an effective hadronic Lagrangian, as well as from the scattering lengths obtained in the framework of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory (HB chi PT). In both the approaches, the magnitude of the transport coefficients turn out to be significant. A larger value is obtained in the former approach with respect to the latter. Significant values of the coefficients indicate a substantial amount of interaction of the Lambda(c) with the hadronic thermal bath. Furthermore, the transport coefficients of the Lambda(c) are found to be different from the transport coefficients of the D meson. The present study indicates that the hadronic medium has a significant impact on the Lambda(c)/D ratio in heavy ion collisions.
dc.descriptionFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
dc.descriptionERC StG under the QGPDyn
dc.descriptionUniv Estadual Paulista, Inst Fsica Ter, BR-01140070 Sao Paulo, Brazil
dc.descriptionUniv Catania, Dept Phys & Astron, I-95125 Catania, Italy
dc.descriptionIst Nazl Fis Nucl, Lab Nazl Sud, I-95123 Catania, Italy
dc.descriptionCtr Variable Energy Cyclotron, Div Theoret Phys, Kolkata 700064, India
dc.descriptionUniv Estadual Paulista, Inst Fsica Ter, BR-01140070 Sao Paulo, Brazil
dc.descriptionFAPESP: 12/16766-0
dc.descriptionERC StG under the QGPDyn259684
dc.publisherAmer Physical Soc
dc.relationPhysical Review D
dc.rightsAcesso restrito
dc.sourceWeb of Science
dc.titleDiffusion of Lambda(c) in hot hadronic medium and its impact on Lambda(c)/D ratio

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