dc.creatorValencia Gozález, Jessica
dc.creatorVallejo Soto, Juan David
dc.creatorPedraza Araque, Nancy (Director de Tesis o Trabajo de Grado)
dc.description.abstractThis work seeks to gather evidences of lack of environmental ethics in the novel The Year of the Flood of the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood. In this novel there is a presence of controlling power, which acts as the right hand of Corporations to manipulate humans and nature through the misuse of technology and other important aspects of the environmental ethics. This analysis has the task of recognizing and interpreting Atwood¿s perspective about the relationship between human beings and nature from an ecocritical approach. The analysis led us to highlight Atwood´s conception of recovery of the Earth and the reflection of respect towards all beings of the world, as well as the understanding of the fact that between nature (including living and non-living beings) and human beings there is no superiority; however, Nature, the mother of all, is dying because of our hand. The results show that in Atwood¿s novel is a warning: She calls for attention in the name of the beings that cannot talk and the Earth itself, which is receiving the worst part of men´s behavior: destruction and decay. This work seeks to gather evidences of lack of environmental ethics in the novel The Year of the Flood of the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood. In this novel there is a presence of controlling power, which acts as the right hand of Corporations to manipulate humans and nature through the misuse of technology and other important aspects of the environmental ethics. This analysis has the task of recognizing and interpreting Atwood¿s perspective about the relationship between human beings and nature from an ecocritical approach. The analysis led us to highlight Atwood´s conception of recovery of the Earth and the reflection of respect towards all beings of the world, as well as the understanding of the fact that between nature (including living and non-living beings) and human beings there is no superiority; however, Nature, the mother of all, is dying because of our hand. The results show that in Atwood¿s novel is a warning: She calls for attention in the name of the beings that cannot talk and the Earth itself, which is receiving the worst part of men´s behavior: destruction and decay.
dc.subjectNovela canadiense
dc.subjectÉtica ambiental
dc.subjectLiteratura canadiense
dc.subjectDestrucción de la naturaleza
dc.subjectCiencia ficción
dc.subjectNarrativa canadiense
dc.titleAtwood's representation of lack of enviromental ethics in the novel the year of the flood [recurso electrónico]

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