dc.contributorMontaño Moreno, Johanna
dc.creatorCastillo Ramírez, Julián Camilo
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
dc.identifierreponame: Repositorio Institucional UPN
dc.identifierrepourl: http://repositorio.pedagogica.edu.co/
dc.description.abstractThe use of English in Colombia has been increasing as part of the globalization process of the language, and the demands that are growing in several fields. The “Programa Nacional de Bilinguismo” discusses the importance of EFL in education, considered as a competitive advantage and thus, looking forward to students´ reaching a B1 level with the bachelor’s degree, which is significant because of the professional development that goes after, then English turns into an important language with the phenomena of globalization. However, some tests demonstrate a lack of proficiency in this language on a national level. Furthermore, in the post-pandemic situation, the use of technology clearly has had a leading role in education, giving possibilities not just for accessing information but also for communication and interaction. As a part of this realm and within the interest of young learners, the videogame is present, which was created originally as entertainment media but is also being employed in various fields, including education. This pedagogical innovation proposal aims to promote EFL inference reading skills in teenagers, using literary videogames, considered games that blend verbal and audiovisual art, featuring the interactive process within the narrative. Here these videogames work together with literature to help students in the reading processes with the narrative and interactivity that both have. For this purpose, the game-based learning strategy comprises gaming principles, as well as the design of activities to take advantage of the dynamism which can be linked to the reading process of literature in an EFL classroom.
dc.publisherUniversidad Pedagógica Nacional
dc.publisherLicenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras
dc.publisherFacultad de Humanidades
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dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectAprendizaje basado en videojuegos
dc.subjectHabilidades de lectura inferencial
dc.subjectInglés como lengua extranjera
dc.subjectVideojuegos literarios
dc.titleImplementing literary videogames to promote EFL inference reading skills.

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