dc.contributorMontaño Moreno, Johanna
dc.creatorPachón Vargas, Camila
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
dc.identifierreponame: Repositorio Institucional UPN
dc.identifierrepourl: http://repositorio.pedagogica.edu.co/
dc.description.abstractThe present document unveils a proposal of pedagogic and didactic innovation, which seeks to implement podcasting to improve Integrated Skills through Blended Learning in nine graders' students in Bogotá.The internet offers many ways to practice English interestingly. Podcasting seems a significant strategy to practice the whole skills. Accordingly, learners are expected to develop various activities linked to podcasts until the final cycle, which is the creation of a podcast, taking into account the elements worked during the whole process. All the procedure behind the creation of a podcast involves working the integrated skills collectively. Thereby, technology plays an important role in this proposal. By Blended Learning, there can be a balance in the use of technology and the classroom (use of technology in a face-to-face session). In the classes, the teachers can use technological devices such as videos, digital boards, computers, etc. Thus, it would not be a traditional environment but the mix of technology resources and a physical place like a classroom. Therefore, 10 classes of 45 minutes each were designed and divided into 3 cycles with the purpose of improving integrated skills during and after the creation of podcasts by students.
dc.publisherUniversidad Pedagógica Nacional
dc.publisherLicenciatura en Español e Inglés
dc.publisherFacultad de Humanidades
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dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectRecursos didácticos
dc.subjectHabilidades integradas
dc.titlePodcasting : a way to improve integrated skills through blended learning.

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