dc.contributorPadilla Stand, Maria Fernanda
dc.creatorMendoza Miranda, Dayana Andrea
dc.creatorCorpas Florián, Cindy Fedra
dc.identifierMendoza Miranda, D. A. & Corpas Florian, Cindy Fedra. (2022). Comparative analysis of the main characters of the book Pride and Prejudice and its translation into Spanish Orgullo y Prejuicio. [Trabajo de grado de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas con Énfasis en Inglés y Francés]. Universidad de San Buenaventura, Cartagena.
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad de San Buenaventura
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad de San Buenaventura
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research is to determine what kind of translation phenomena happened in the main characters of the English novel Pride and Prejudice compared to its Spanish translation Orgullo y Prejuicio. This research was based on the content analysis method with a qualitative approach. First, to carry out the research we worked with the English novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, along with the translation of the book in Spanish, which both were read together in favour of identifying the translation differences between them. As a result, the researchers were able to find the factors where most of the translation differences were found between the English novel and its Spanish translation. The reading of the book, and its translation allowed us to determine that the majority of the translation differences were in the main characters, the vocabulary, and the setting. Consequently, the analysis of the translation differences that were found between Pride and Prejudice and Orgullo y Prejuicio allowed us to explain why these differences were generated when the English work was translated into Spanish. In the same way, the analysis illustrated why these differences were generated between the original version of the text and its translation. To conclude, this research allowed us to explain that if a translator wants to translate a literary English work into Spanish, then the translator must choose carefully which elements have the most influence on the work, and how they will adapt these elements into the target language of the translation.
dc.descriptionLicenciado en Lenguas Modernas con Énfasis en Inglés y Francés
dc.format67 páginas
dc.publisherUniversidad de San Buenaventura
dc.publisherFacultad de Educación, Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
dc.publisherLicenciatura en Lenguas Modernas con Énfasis en Inglés y Francés
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dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subject400 - Lenguas
dc.subjectTesis - licenciatur en lenguas modernas con énfasis en inglés y francés
dc.subjectLiterary in english - comparative analysis
dc.subjectLiteratura inglesa - análisis comparativo
dc.subjectTraducción e interpretación - investigación - metodología
dc.subjectTranslation techniques
dc.subjectComparative analysis
dc.subjectAdaptation of literary works
dc.subjectHistorical context
dc.titleComparative analysis of the main characters of the book Pride and Prejudice and its translation into Spanish Orgullo y Prejuicio
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregrado

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