dc.creatorRodríguez-Pérez, Francy
dc.description.abstractIt has been noticeable that after the pandemic, technology definitely became one of the best allies for language learning. When teachers and students had to migrate to a fully virtual environment, the beginning was hard for students of the English program at the CTC, due to the lack of resources. However, now that students are back to the traditional method of face-to-face classes; the institution keeps working on finding sources that benefit students throughout their learning process, taking into account the low-income conditions of the population. That is why the use of more digital resources for motivating learners along their learning process is one viable strategy. Nowadays, there are plain of tools, digital resources, platforms, devices that help teachers and learners in their teaching and learning practices and that is the purpose of this proposal; to guide students to use the right free digital resources to develop their communicative competence and digital literacy as the improvement of their learning practices along their autonomy which increases their level of language.
dc.subjectcommunicative competence
dc.subjectdigital resources
dc.subjectMáster Universitario en Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
dc.titleThe Use of Digital Resources for Improving the English Communicative Competence in the EFL classroom

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