Effect of plant growth regulators in the rooting of Pinus cuttings
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Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, v. 49, n. 2, p. 189-196, 2006.
Henrique, Andréia
Campinhos, Eduardo Nogueira
Ono, Elizabeth Orika
Pinho, Sheila Zambello de
O trabalho avaliou o enraizamento de estacas de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Morelet sob a ação de diferentes níveis de reguladores vegetais. As estacas foram feitas de brotações de 4 a 6cm de comprimento de mudas de P. caribaea var. hondurensis Morelet com corte bisel na base sendo as acículas basais eliminadas. A base das estacas foram submetidas aos tratamentos por 2 segundos com os seguintes tratamentos: 1- NAA 2000mg L-1; 2- NAA 4000mg L-1; 3- NAA 6000mg L-1; 4- NAA 2000mg L-1 + PBZ 100mg L-1; 5- NAA 4000mg L-1 + PBZ; 6- NAA 6000mg L-1 + PBZ; 7- IBA 2000mg L-1; 8- IBA 4000mg L-1; 9- IBA 6000mg L-1; 10-IBA 2000mg L-1 + PBZ; 11- IBA 4000mg L-1 + PBZ; 12- IBA 6000mg L-1 + PBZ e testemunha. Após os tratamentos as estacas foram plantadas em tubetes contendo 50% de palha de arroz carbonizada e 50% de vermiculita. As avaliações realizadas aos 60 dias após o plantio mostraram que estacas de P. caribaea tratadas com IBA levaram a maior porcentagem de estacas enraizadas que aquelas tratadas com NAA, sendo o mais efetivo, IBA a 4000mg L-1 em conjunto com 100mg L-1 de paclobutrazol. This work evaluated the rooting of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Morelet cuttings under the action of different levels of plant growth regulators. The cuttings consisted of 4-6 cm long shoots of P. caribaea var. hondurensis Morelet with their basal needles removed. The basal part of the cuttings were treated for 2 seconds with the following treatments: 1- NAA 2000mg L-1; 2- NAA 4000mg L-1; 3- NAA 6000mg L-1; 4- NAA 2000mg L-1 + PBZ 100mg L-1; 5- NAA 4000mg L-1 + PBZ; 6- NAA 6000mg L-1 + PBZ; 7- IBA 2000mg L-1; 8- IBA 4000mg L-1; 9- IBA 6000mg L-1; 10-IBA 2000mg L-1 + PBZ; 11- IBA 4000mg L-1 + PBZ; 12- IBA 6000mg L-1 + PBZ; and a control. After receiving the treatment, the cuttings were planted in tubes containing 50% carbonized rice hulls and 50% vermiculite. The evaluations, performed 60 days after planting, showed that P. caribaea var. hondurensis cuttings treated with IBA produced a higher percentage of rooted cuttings than those treated with NAA; the most effective treatment was IBA 4000mg L-1 plus 100mg L-1 paclobutrazol.