dc.creatorElsas, Maria Ignez Capella Gaspar
dc.creatorXavier-Elsas, Pedro Paulo
dc.creatorJoseph, D.
dc.creatorHavet, N.
dc.creatorSilva, L. A. Adelino da
dc.creatorSalgado, D. R.
dc.creatorSaliou, B.
dc.creatorVargaftig, B. B.
dc.identifierELSAS, M. I, C, Stimulation of early eosinophil progenitors by a heat stable alveolar macrophage product from ovalbumin-sensitized and non-sensitized guinea pigs. Clin. exp. allergy., Oxford, v. 27, n. 2, p. 208-217, 1997.
dc.publisherBlackwell Scientific Publications
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dc.rightsrestricted access
dc.titleStimulation of early eosinophil progenitors by a heat stable alveolar macrophage product from ovalbumin-sensitized and non-sensitized guinea pigs

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