dc.creatorFurtado, Yara
dc.creatorAlmeida, Gutemberg
dc.creatorLima, Roberto
dc.creatorSilva, Katia
dc.creatorMaldonado, Paula
dc.identifierFURTADO, Yara et al. Microinvasive squamous carcinoma (FIGO stage IA1) of the cervix: are there colposcopic criteria for the diagnosis?. Am. j. obstet. gynecol., St. Louis, v. 205, n. 4, p. 360.e1-360.e4, oct. 2011.
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dc.rightsrestricted access
dc.titleMicroinvasive squamous carcinoma (FIGO stage IA1) of the cervix: are there colposcopic criteria for the diagnosis?

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