dc.contributorSouza, Paulo
dc.contributorSouza, Paulo Fernando de Almeida
dc.contributorSouza, Paulo Fernando de Almeida
dc.contributorBarros, Alessandra Santana Soares e
dc.contributorSilva, André Luiz Souza da
dc.creatorGarrido , Carolina Vilas Boas
dc.creatorGarrido, Carolina
dc.description.abstractThe ways in which social groups are represented in cultural and media products are not only indicative of how society represents and identifies these groups but also influences the world's perception of them. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the stereotype as a mechanism of representation and to perceive it as one of the formative bases of the concepts of graphic design and character design. This research is intended to understand this mechanism of graphic representation, with a view to discussing its responsible use, using as a theoretical basis a bibliographical survey about the social psychology of stereotypes, as well as the perception of disability by society through history. Based on a literature review, we discuss the concepts of stereotype, prejudice and discrimination, correlating these reflections with the methodological practice of graphic design. From the analysis of disabled characters of the winning films of the category "Best Animated Film" of the Oscar Prize, from its inauguration in 2002 to the year 2016, we try to discuss some questions about the relations between the graphical representations of characters of animations and their subjective meanings. For the analysis, the script of character identification and analysis was conceived, based on the models proposed by Pallottini (1989), for the analysis of the play and structured in three levels of analysis according to the method of iconographic analysis of Panofsky (2009), based on the concept of naturalization coined by Pasolini (1990). This study is developed from the perspective of an exploratory research, seeking to highlight the relevant design aspects that contribute to the stereotyping of characters in the creative process in animation. One of the main contributions of the study concerns the promotion of critical analysis on the construction of graphic representations, allowing a re-signification of the creative-methodological praxis in graphic design.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal da Bahia
dc.publisherEscola de Belas Artes da Universidade Federal da Bahia
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais (PPGAV )
dc.publisherEscola de Belas Artes
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectDesign de personagens
dc.subjectMetodologia de projeto em design
dc.titleDesign de personagens: estereótipos gráficos de personagens com deficiência em produções de animação

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