dc.contributorZanin, Ana
dc.contributorRodrigues, Ana Claudia
dc.creatorAffonso, Regina Celis Lopes
dc.descriptionDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Vegetal, Florianópolis, 2012.
dc.descriptionO gênero Scleria apresenta distribuição pantropical sendo seu centro de diversidade o continente americano. No Brasil, o gênero distribui-se em todas as regiões. O presente estudo foi elaborado com base em coleções de herbários, estudo das populações no campo e consulta à literatura especializada. O gênero distribui-se por todo o Estado e está representado nas diferentes formações vegetais, incluindo restinga, campos litorâneos, campos de altitude e floresta atlântica. Foi confirmada a ocorrência de 13 espécies: Scleria distans Poir., S. filiculmis Boeck., S. gaertneri Raddi, S. georgiana Core, S. latifolia Sw., S. leptostachya Kunth, S. microcarpa Nees ex Kunth, S. panicoides Kunth, S. plusiophylla Steud., S. secans (L.) Urb., S. sellowiana Kunth, S. uleana Boeck. e S. variegata (Nees) Steud. A maioria das espécies apresenta distribuição ampla estendendo-se em diferentes países das Américas e algumas com registro também para a África. Scleria uleana e S. variegata apresentam distribuição restrita ao sul e sudeste do Brasil e S. filiculmis registro apenas para o sul do país (SC e PR). São fornecidos chave de identificação taxonômica para as espécies, descrições morfológicas acompanhadas de dados de distribuição geográfica, habitat, aspectos fenológicos, comentários taxonômicos e ilustrações. São propostos lectótipos para quatro nomes: Scleria filiculmis Boeckeler, Scleria catharinensis Boeckeler, Scleria microcarpa Nees ex Kunth and Scleria panicoides Kunth. $a Abstract : The genus Scleria has pantropical distribution, with higher diversity in the American continent. In Brazil, this genus is distributed all over the regions. The present study was carried out based on herbarium collections, on natural population and on the specialized literature. This genus is distributed throughout the state of Santa Catarina and is present in different plants compositions, including sandbanks, seacoast fields, highlands and the Atlantic forest. The occurrence of Scleria distans Poir., S. filiculmis Boeck., S. gaertneri Raddi, S. georgiana Core, S. latifolia Sw., S. leptostachya Kunth, S. microcarpa Nees ex Kunth, S. panicoides Kunth, S. plusiophylla Steud., S. secans (L.) Urb., S. sellowiana Kunth, S. uleana Boeck., and S. variegata (Nees) Steud has been confirmed. Most species are widely distributed throughout different countries in the Americas, and some of them are also present in Africa. The distribution of Scleria uleana and S. variegata is restricted to Brazil's south and southeast regions, and S. filiculmis is present only in south region(SC and PR). Taxonomic identification keys for the species, morphological descriptions along with geographic distribution data, habitat, phenological aspects, taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided. Lectotypes are proposed for four names: Scleria filiculmis Boeckeler, Scleria catharinensis Boeckeler, Scleria microcarpa Nees ex Kunth and Scleria panicoides Kunth.
dc.descriptionABSTRACT: The genus Scleria has pantropical distribution, with higher diversity in the American continent. In Brazil, this genus is distributed all over the regions. The present study was carried out based on herbarium collections, on natural population and on the specialized literature. This genus is distributed throughout the state of Santa Catarina and is present in different plants compositions, including sandbanks, seacoast fields, highlands and the Atlantic forest. The occurrence of Scleria distans Poir., S. filiculmis Boeck., S. gaertneri Raddi, S. georgiana Core, S. latifolia Sw., S. leptostachya Kunth, S. microcarpa Nees ex Kunth, S. panicoides Kunth, S. plusiophylla Steud., S. secans (L.) Urb., S. sellowiana Kunth, S. uleana Boeck., and S. variegata (Nees) Steud has been confirmed. Most species are widely distributed throughout different countries in the Americas, and some of them are also present in Africa. The distribution of Scleria uleana and S. variegata is restricted to Brazil’s south and southeast regions, and S. filiculmis is present only in south region(SC and PR). Taxonomic identification keys for the species, morphological descriptions along with geographic distribution data, habitat, phenological aspects, taxonomic notes, and illustrations are provided. Lectotypes are proposed for four names: Scleria filiculmis Boeckeler, Scleria catharinensis Boeckeler, Scleria microcarpa Nees ex Kunth and Scleria panicoides Kunth.
dc.titleDiversidade e aspectos nomenclaturais em Scleria P. J. Bergius (Cyperaceae) de Santa Catarina, Brasil
dc.typeMaster Thesis

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