dc.creatorRivera, José Julián
dc.identifierAcademia Letters, junio de 2021, art. 1036. Methodology for determining effective structural contribution in unpaved roads using Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) without geophones and back-calculation according to AASHTO93 Guide
dc.descriptionThe use of LWD in flexible pavement structural designs is increasing. The LWDs are offered under 2 typologies; with or without geophones to set the deflection bowl. LWDs with geophones allow to apply mechanistic analysis directly, but LWDs without geophones not. For this reason, the LEMaC Center for Road Research UTN FRLP - CIC PBA (Argentina) analyzes this problem through a research project; their results allow the use of LWD without geophones in pavement design using the AASHTO93 Guide. This ``short report'', as allowed by the Letters Academy, presents a summary of the tasks performed and the work procedure developed. No section of conclusions and exhaustive antecedents and studies of the models presented are included, due to the limit imposed on the number of words for these ``short reports''. This information can be consulted in the ``Correlation model for the use of modulus back-calculation on LWD measurements'' (Rivera & Alderete, 2012).
dc.descriptionFil: Rivera, José Julián. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. LEMaC (Centro de Investigaciones Viales). CIC PBA; Argentina
dc.descriptionPeer Reviewed
dc.relationAASHTO, ``Guide for design of pavement structures 1993'', American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, ISBN 1-56051-055-2, USA, 1993.
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dc.relationNAZZAL, M.D. ``Field Evaluation of In-Situ Test Technology for QC/QA During Construction of Pavement Layers and Embankments''. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge LA, USA, 2003.
dc.relationRIVERA, J. & ALDERETE, N., ``Correlation model for the use of modulus backcalculation on LWD measurements'', in Seventh International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, No. 00031, New Zealand, 2012.
dc.relationRIVERA, J.J., BRIZUELA, L.G., ALDERETE, N. & VILLANUEVA, M.R. ``Avances en el desarrollo de la metodologa para valoracin por retroclculo de capas no ligadas mediante la utilizacin del Light Weight Deflectometer'' (T014). XVI Congreso Argentino de Vialidad y Trnsito (ISBN 978-987-28682-0-8) Argentina, 2012.
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dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.rightsAtribución (Attribution): En cualquier explotación de la obra autorizada por la licencia será necesario reconocer la autoría (obligatoria en todos los casos). No comercial (Non Commercial): La explotación de la obra queda limitada a usos no comerciales. Sin obras derivadas (No Derivate Works): La autorización para explotar la obra no incluye la posibilidad de crear una obra derivada (traducciones, adaptaciones, etc.).
dc.subjectLow traffic roads
dc.subjectLight weight deflectometer
dc.subjectAASHTO93 Guide
dc.titleLEMaC-DE01/16: Methodology for determining effective structural contribution in unpaved roads using Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) without geophones and back-calculation according to AASHTO93 Guide

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