dc.creatorFumero, Yanina
dc.creatorCorsano, Gabriela
dc.creatorMontagna, Jorge Marcelo
dc.identifierFumero, Y., Corsano, G. & Montagna, J.M. Ann Oper Res (2017) 258: 415. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-016-2301-6
dc.descriptionA mixed integer linear programming for the detailed production planning of multiproduct batch plants is proposed in this work. New timing decisions are incorporated to the model taking into account that an operation mode based in campaigns is adopted. For plants operating in a regular fashion along a time horizon, this operation mode assures a more efficient production management. In addition, sequencedependent changeover times and different unit sizes for parallel units in each stage are considered. Given the plant configuration and unit sizes, the total amount of each product to be produced and the product recipes, the proposed model determines the number of batches that compose the production campaign and their sizes, the assignment and sequencing of batches in each unit, and the timing of batches in each unit in order to minimize the campaign cycle time. The proposed model provides a useful tool for solving the optimal campaign planning of installed facilities.
dc.descriptionFil: CONICET – UTN; INGAR, Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; Argentina
dc.descriptionPeer Reviewed
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dc.relationY. Fumero, G. Corsano, J. M. Montagna. Scheduling of multistage multiproduct batch plants operating in a campaign-mode. Industrial Engineering and Chemical Research, 5: 3988−4001, 2012.
dc.relationY. Fumero, G. Corsano, J. M. Montagna. Detailed Design of Multiproduct Batch Plants Considering Prodction Scheduling. Industrial Engineering and Chemical Research, 50 (10), 6146-6160, 2011.
dc.rightsAutorizo la publicación de la obra, desde si aprobación/presentación
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.subjectmultiproduct batch plants
dc.subjectproduction campaign
dc.subjectMILP model
dc.titleAn MILP model for planning of batch plants operating in a campaign- mode
dc.typedocunento de conferencia

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