Causes of retinal detachment and visual outcome in children under 18 years old treated at Hospital Universitario de San Vicente Fundación

dc.creatorEcheverry Aguilar, Claudia Andrea
dc.creatorGaviria Bravo, Martha Lía
dc.descriptionRESUMEN: Objetivo: caracterizar las causas del desprendimiento de retina y determinar la agudeza visual final en menores de 18 años en el Hospital San Vicente Fundación entre 2012 y 2017.Metodología: se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de desprendimiento de retina confirmado por examen oftalmológico o ecografía, se incluyeron pacientes menores de 18 años que ingresaron al Hospital San Vicente Fundación entre 2012 y 2017 para identificar las causas del desprendimiento de retina y la agudeza visual final. Resultados: se analizaron 51 historias clínicas: 28 hombres y 23 mujeres, 39,1 % ocurrieron en menores de 1 año y no se encontró desprendimiento de retina por encima de los 14 años. Las causas se establecieron como retinopatía de la prematuridad 23,5 %, trauma ocular 21,6 %, retinoblastoma 9,8 %, toxoplasmosis congénita 7,8 %, toxocara 7,8 %, entre otras, no se encontró causa en 3,9 % de los pacientes. En 50 ojos de 41 pacientes se determinó la agudeza visual final, de los cuales 47 (94 %) quedaron con agudeza visual peor o igual a 20/200 y 3 ojos con agudeza visual de 20/40 o mejor. Discusión: el desprendimiento de retina es infrecuente en los niños, sin embargo, sus causas y desenlaces son más devastadores que en los adultos. En nuestro medio las principales causas son la retinopatía de la prematuridad, el trauma, el retinoblastoma y las infecciones parasitarias. Diferente a los adultos, en los niños se requiere una evaluación más cuidadosa y un umbral de sospecha más bajo para considerar enfermedades potencialmente mortales. ABSTRACT: Objective: To characterize the causes of retinal de-tachment and to determinate the visual outcome in children younger than 18 years old evaluated at San Vicente Fundación Hospital between 2012 and 2017. Methodology: We performed a retrospective analysis of medical records of patients with a diagnosis of retinal detachment confirmed by ophthalmological examination or ultrasound scan. Patients under 18 years old admitted to San Vicente Fundación Hospital between 2012 and 2017 were included to identify the causes of retinal detachment and the final visual acuity. Results: 51 clinical histories were analyzed: 28 men and 23 women; 39.1% occurred in children under 1 year old, and no retinal detachment was found above 14 years old. The causes were established as: retinopathy of prematurity 23.5%, ocular trauma 21.6%, retinoblastoma 9.8%, congenital toxoplasmosis 7.8%, toxocara 7.8%, among others. The cause was not found in 3.9% of patients.In 50 eyes of 41 patients, the final visual acuity was determined, of which 47 (94%) had visual acuity equal or worse to 20/200 and 3 eyes with better corrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better. Discussion: Retinal detachment is infrequent in children; however, its causes and outcomes are more devastating than in adults. In our environment, the main causes are retinopathy of prematurity, trauma, retino-blastoma and parasitic infections; unlike adults, children require a more careful assessment and a lower threshold of suspicion to consider lifethreatening diseases.
dc.descriptionABSTRACT: Objective: To characterize the causes of retinal detachment and to determinate the visual outcome in children younger than 18 years old evaluated at San Vicente Fundación Hospital between 2012 and 2017. Methodology: We performed a retrospective analysis of medical records of patients with a diagnosis of retinal detachment confirmed by ophthalmological examination or ultrasound scan. Patients under 18 years old admitted to San Vicente Fundación Hospital between 2012 and 2017 were included to identify the causes of retinal detachment and the final visual acuity. Results: 51 clinical histories were analyzed: 28 men and 23 women; 39.1% occurred in children under 1 year old, and no retinal detachment was found above 14 years old. The causes were established as: retinopathy of prematurity 23.5%, ocular trauma 21.6%, retinoblastoma 9.8%, congenital toxoplasmosis 7.8%, toxocara 7.8%, among others. The cause was not found in 3.9% of patients. In 50 eyes of 41 patients, the final visual acuity was determined, of which 47 (94%) had visual acuity equal or worse to 20/200 and 3 eyes with better corrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better. Discussion: Retinal detachment is infrequent in children; however, its causes and outcomes are more devastating than in adults. In our environment, the main causes are retinopathy of prematurity, trauma, retinoblastoma and parasitic infections; unlike adults, children require a more careful assessment and a lower threshold of suspicion to consider life-threatening diseases.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Medicina
dc.publisherMedellín, Colombia
dc.subjectRetinopatía de la Prematuridad
dc.subjectRetinopathy of Prematurity
dc.subjectDesprendimiento de Retina
dc.subjectRetinal Detachment
dc.subjectHeridas Penetrantes
dc.subjectWounds, Penetrating
dc.titleCausas del desprendimiento de retina y el desenlace visual final en menores de 18 años en el Hospital San Vicente Fundación
dc.titleCauses of retinal detachment and visual outcome in children under 18 years old treated at Hospital Universitario de San Vicente Fundación
dc.typeArtículo de investigación

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