dc.contributorPineda Medina, Javier Alejandro
dc.contributorVargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
dc.creatorNapa Manco, Edinson Manuel
dc.identifier363.69 N195
dc.description.abstractThis research work is based on analyzing the factors that contribute and limit the implementation of the sociocultural component of the Vilcashuamán - Sangalla section project located in the department of Ayacucho, province of Vilcashuamán. Implemented and supervised by the Qhapaq Ñan project, which is attached to the Ministry of Culture. The Qhapaq Ñan project has as its purpose, according to Law No. 28260: "Identify, investigate, register, preserve and value the network of Inca trails that still exist in the national territory." It is necessary for this research to know those factors that contribute and limit the implementation and carrying out of the activities proposed by the sociocultural component of the project in the province of Vilcashuamán, during the period 2018 - 2019, analyzing factors such as: actions of social appropriation encouraged by the project, the spaces for participation and agreement, the strengthening of capacities and the empowerment of the women of the community, the recognition of the key actors and the level of articulation and cooperation of the same towards the project. The present investigation is part of the approach of social management, which includes intersectoral co-management, through mutual cooperation between all the actors of a project in order to generate benefits for all, likewise through the use of methodological tools of Social management is expected to learn more about the social and cultural dynamics that occur between the sociocultural component of the project and the community.
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
dc.publisherMaestría en Gerencia de Empresas Sociales para la Innovación Social y el Desarrollo Local
dc.publisherEscuela de Finanzas, Economía y Gobierno. Políticas y Desarrollo
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.rightsTodos los derechos reservados
dc.subjectGerencial social
dc.titleUso social del patrimonio cultural como alternativa para el desarrollo local : una perspectiva desde los factores que contribuyen o limitan la implementación del componente sociocultural del proyecto de tramo Vilcas Huamán – Sangalla en la provincia de Vilcas Huamán

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