dc.contributorGómez Salazar, Elkin Arcesio
dc.creatorCanabal Cordero, Carlos Sebastian
dc.creatorRestrepo Vásquez, Jhon Stiven
dc.identifier658.404 C212
dc.description.abstractCreativity and innovation are very important factors when analyzing the economic development of an organization, a country or a region. The countries with the most developed economies in the world, and especially those that are capable of overcoming economic crises and prevailing in the market, have high investments in creativity and innovation. In Latin America, and especially in Colombia, investment in these aspects is low, which makes it difficult to compete with developed economies. From the need in Colombia and specifically in the coffee belt region to generate spaces where creativity and innovation are promoted as a generator of sustainable economic development and that, in addition, through this, the relationship between the State, business and academia is strengthened, raised the present investigation, where "a pre-feasibility study for the creation of a center of innovation and creativity as a generator of sustainable economic development in the region" was developed. Likewise, on the basis of theoretical and conceptual foundations and definitions of key terms to identify the context of this proposal, to achieve the required investigation, it was adjusted to the methodological framework proposed by the "United Nations Organization for Industrial Development (UNIDO)”, a quantitative research was used, the research design focused on a field study and the data collection was carried out through the application of a questionnaire related to the characteristics, objectives and function of the centers of creativity and innovation or existing related centers, the main allied organization (CIAF) and other public and private organizations related to the subject, through documents, research, interviews, etc. made to specialists in the area. At the end of the investigation, a written document was obtained where the pre-feasibility of creating this center of creativity and innovation in the coffee region was determined.
dc.publisherUniversidad EAFIT
dc.publisherMaestría en Gerencia de Proyectos
dc.publisherEscuela de Administración. Departamento de Organización y Gerencia
dc.rightsAcceso abierto
dc.rightsTodos los derechos reservados
dc.subjectEstudio de prefactibilidad
dc.subjectCentro de creatividad e innovación
dc.subjectEje Cafetero
dc.subjectDesarrollo económico sostenible
dc.titleEstudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de un centro de innovación y creatividad como generador de desarrollo económico sostenible en la región del eje cafetero

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