dc.creatorGuti?rrez Beltr?n, Mar?a
dc.creatorRozo Garc?a, Leonardo
dc.creatorUrrego Guerrero, Jennifer
dc.description184 p. Recurso Electr?nico
dc.descriptionEl presente proyecto de intervenci?n tiene como objetivo utilizar el subg?nero l?rico de la Oda como estrategia pedag?gica para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora en estudiantes del grado s?ptimo de la INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA DEPARTAMENTAL GUSTAVO URIBE RAM?REZ, ubicada en el municipio de Granada Cundinamarca. Esta l?nea de acci?n surge de la observaci?n y an?lisis realizado, donde se identific? como problem?tica principal que el estudianteno entiende lo que lee, en consecuencia, no es capaz de comprender la tem?tica del texto, adem?s las estrategias del docente son poco llamativas. Metodol?gicamente esta investigaci?n se enmarca dentro del paradigma cualitativo, teniendo como base la IAP (investigaci?n acci?n participativa), debido a que el proceso ense?anza aprendizaje de la lectura significa el hecho de intercambiar y capturar experiencias en el lenguaje de los propios individuos, cu?les son susintereses y qu? implica el comprender la situaci?n y las condiciones del investigado. Para determinar la problem?tica y siguiendo la metodolog?a investigativa se llev? un proceso secuencial que permiti? obtener informaci?n: el Diario de campo dio vista global, el estudio de caso estableci? problem?ticas generales, la entrevista ampli? la magnitud del problema y el grupo focal determin? la falencia a fortalecer. El uso del subg?nero l?rico de la Oda es unametodolog?a innovadora; es un tipo de texto que requiere de una lectura inferencial para determinar el verdadero sentido de lo que est? plasmado, adem?s por su gran variedad de tem?ticas, contextos y estilos, permite el trabajo din?mico mediante nuevas estrategias que logran captar la atenci?n del estudiante.
dc.descriptionThe present project of intervention has as aim use the lyric subkind of the Ode as pedagogic strategy to strengthen the reading comprehension in students of the seventh degree of the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENTAL INSTITUTION GUSTAVO URIBE RAMIREZ, located in the municipality of Granada Cundinamarca. This line of action arises from the observation and realized analysis, where there was identified as principal problematic that the student does not understand what he reads, in consequence, is not capable of understanding the subject matter of the text, in addition the slightly showy strategies of the educational sound. Methodologically this investigation places inside the qualitative paradigm, having as base the IAP (investigation participative action), due to the fact that the process education learning of the reading means the fact of exchanging and capturing experiences in the language of the own individuals, which are his interests and what implies understanding the situation and the conditions of the investigated one. To determine the problematic and following the methodology investigative one took a sequential process that allowed obtaining information: the Field diary gave global sight, the study of case established problematic personal details, the interview extended the magnitude of the problem and the focal group determined the failing to strengthen The use of the lyric subkind of the Ode is an innovative methodology; it is a type of text that it needs of a reading inferential to determine the real sense of what is formed, in addition for his great variety of subject matters, contexts and styles, allows the dynamic work by means of new strategies that manage to catch the attention of the student. Keywords: Ode, poetry, reading, lyric comprehension, pedagogy, IAP, intervention, interaction, communication, reading, education, strategy.
dc.publisherIbagu? : Universidad del Tolima, 2015
dc.publisher(CO COL 170)
dc.rightsAtribuci?n-??NoComercial-??CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-??NC-??SA 2-??5 CO)
dc.rightshttp://www.creativecommons.org/licenses by-?? nc/2.5/co/
dc.subjectcomprensi?n lectora
dc.titleLa ODA como estrategia pedag?gica para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora, en los estudiantes de grado s?ptimo de la instituci?n educativa departamental Gustavo Uribe Ram?rez, ubicada en el municipio de Granada Cundinamarca
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregrado
dc.coverage(Ibagu? -?? Tolima -?? Colombia)
dc.coverage(Mundo, Suram?rica, Colombia, Tolima) [1023837]

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