dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.creatorKagan, Donald
dc.descriptionEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::História
dc.descriptionPresents a class of Professor Donald Kagan that analyses and explains the development and appearing of Athenian democracy. The professor argues that the tyranny make possible the emergence of democracy thought in Athens
dc.publisherYale University, Open Yale Courses
dc.relationTwilight of the polis: part 2 and conclusion [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationTwilight of the polis: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe struggle for hegemony in fourth-century Greece: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe struggle for hegemony in fourth-century Greece: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe Peloponnesian war: part 4 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe Peloponnesian war: part 3 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe Peloponnesian war: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe Peloponnesian war: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationAthenian democracy: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relation Athenian democracy: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe athenian empire: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe athenian empire: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe rise of Athens: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe rise of Athens: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationSparta: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationSparta: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relation The Greek "renaissance": colonization and tyranny: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe Greek "renaissance": colonization and tyranny: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe rise of the polis : part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe rise of the polis: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe dark ages: part 2 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationThe dark ages: part 1 [Introduction to ancient Greek history]
dc.relationIntroduction to ancient Greek history: introduction
dc.relationPersian War - clcv205_12_101607.mp3
dc.rightsYale University 2009. Some rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable Credits section of certain lecture pages, all content on this web site is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Please refer to the Credits section to determine whether third-party restrictions on the use of content apply
dc.subjectEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::História::História Antiga e Medieval
dc.subjectGreek society
dc.titleThe Persian wars [Introduction to ancient Greek history]

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