Produção de um indicador ácido/base

dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.creatorSilva, Vasco Sérgio Correia Freitas Silva
dc.descriptionEnsino Médio::Química
dc.descriptionGuide of experiment which shows how to produce an acid/base indicator with a natural product, the red cabbage
dc.publisherScience at home
dc.rightsAuthorization given by the author or representative who allows to copy, distribute, exhibit, translate and use the works and also create derivate works; since, it gives credit to the original author, in the pattern specified by the author or licensed person, being prohibited to use this work with commercial intentions and for each new use or distribution, the licenses of use of this work must be clear
dc.subjectEducação Básica::Ensino Médio::Química::Propriedades das substâncias e dos materiais
dc.subjectNatural indicator
dc.subjectred cabbage
dc.subjectPurple kale
dc.titleAcid/base indicator production
dc.titleProdução de um indicador ácido/base
dc.typeExperimento prático

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