dc.contributorMejía Alarcón, Mario
dc.creatorLuque Madrid, Peggy María del Consuelo
dc.identifierLuque Madrid, Peggy María del Consuelo (2018). The use of didactic strategies to enhance ninth graders´ pronunciation of dental fricative consonants at unidad educativa fiscal Rafael Moran Valverde during the year 2017 -2018. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 114 p.
dc.descriptionEnglish is one of the most chosen languages to learn in the world and it is recommendable to start learning it from earliest childhood. However, it has been said that after childhood, it will be a little difficult, but not impossible to learn English with a proper pronunciation. One of the most important parts regarding learning English as a second language is to acquire a good pronunciation. According to Szynalski (n.d). “Pronunciation is definitely the biggest thing that people notice when you are speaking English”. (para. 1). Nowadays, society knows that using English language improperly will not only impede you from being understood, but it will also bring negative effects both for communication and fluency. So, why is a proper pronunciation so important? Pronunciation is just as important for listening as for speaking in English. Adequate pronunciation helps us not only to produce speech sounds correctly, but also to understand what the other person is talking about. These ideas lead us to the following reflection: how can the target language be acquired appropriately if there are so many mispronounced words? We must consider pronunciation as one of the key elements for successful oral communication, for that reason, English teachers need to select and implement the most suitable techniques and procedures in class to enhance students ‘pronunciation, as is one of the most important dimensions of oral production………
dc.format114 p.
dc.publisherGuayaquil: ULVR, 2018.
dc.titleThe use of didactic strategies to enhance ninth graders´ pronunciation of dental fricative consonants at unidad educativa fiscal Rafael Moran Valverde during the year 2017 -2018

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